As a lover of all things black and pink orange has never been in my color scheme. So when I saw this flowy top from Peebles on sale I was a bit skeptical to buy it. But I decided to be daring. Fortunately for me, I was not disappointed at all. It went so well with my skin tone! I know I will for sure get use out this top more than once.
Wishful Park Crochet Hem Tank in orange: $13.99
Ruffle Shorts in Peach: $12.99
Walmart (Yes, I know I couldn't believe it either.)
Shoes: Gahhhh! I can't even tell you how much i love these. - $12.00 Plato's Closet
Layered in Leaves Necklace: $9.99
Orange is the New Black
Wednesday, July 26, 2017 • fashion, fashion blog, just fab, paparazzi accessories, plato's closet, shopping, southern blog
If your in the realm of discount fashion you're probably familiar with the store Plato's Closet. If you're not that's fine too. I'm here to clue you in on what you've been missing. Plato's closet is a second hand shop with a twist. They only take name brand clothing that's been gently used. So if your looking for that BCBG dress, JCrew top or Kate Spade bag you just don't feel like spending full price on say no more. Your prayers have been answered! I can't even begin to explain the joy I feel when I walk into Plato's closet. But let's get down to my lovely outfit!
Shoes :
Just Fab Price-$39.95
Plato's Closet-$10.00
Original Price: $22.00
Plato's Closet: $8.00
Bonus: Still had original tag's on it!!
The jump suit! I completely adore! It was completely comfortable and I managed to snag it at Plato's closet for $16.00 dollars. Not to mention, I got an extra thirty percent off that day for a special they were having!
To complete the look I added some earrings and a statement ring. Both of course five dollars from paparazzi accessories! I had fun sharing this with you! Leave some feed back! Let me know what some of your favorite second hand stores are!
XOXO -Akendall

Just Fab Price-$39.95
Plato's Closet-$10.00
Original Price: $22.00
Plato's Closet: $8.00
Bonus: Still had original tag's on it!!
The jump suit! I completely adore! It was completely comfortable and I managed to snag it at Plato's closet for $16.00 dollars. Not to mention, I got an extra thirty percent off that day for a special they were having!
To complete the look I added some earrings and a statement ring. Both of course five dollars from paparazzi accessories! I had fun sharing this with you! Leave some feed back! Let me know what some of your favorite second hand stores are!
XOXO -Akendall
Thursday, June 22, 2017 • budget, fashion, shopping, southern blog, thrifty, thursday, yard sale
Hola! Everyone.
Today on the blog i'm introducing my new series called #ThriftyThursdays. This series will be mainly finds that I get from a yard sale, consignment shop, thrift store, ect.
Kicking off my first #thriftythursday, with this lovely pink and white sundress I got from a yard sale for only $5!!!! I couldn't believe my luck. Yard sales has been in my blood since pretty much birth. If my mom wasn't having a yard sale she was waking up on Saturday morning at the crack of dawn to go to one. You know what they say "first come first serve". My mom was defiantly on it. As a kid I dreaded yard sales I rather had stayed home and sleep than get up and go to a boring yard sale. But the apple doesn't fall from the trees and I quickly learned that you can get some of the best deals from a yard sale.
I wanted to share this dress especially that I snagged from a yard sale a couple of weeks ago. Yes, its a simple sun dress but, always remember you can dress anything up or down. I paired it with my favorite nine west snake skin heels. I wanted to create a fifties vibe by adding the wire tied head band and, the vintage sunglasses I got from Marshall's both five dollars each. If you're looking for a more simple look you can wear it by itself or pair it with a cardigan. I completed the look with my gold earrings from paparazzi accessories only $5.00. My outfit all together minus the shoes only cost me $15.00.
Here's are some helpful tips I remember before going to a yard sale.
Before going, check your local news paper. They usually have all the yard sales listed for the upcoming weekend. I circle the ones that have items i'm looking for. I don't wanna waste time at a yard sale that doesn't have what i'm looking for or don't even carry clothes that i'm interested in. Keep in mind most yard sales start early and don't usually go past lunch time. I would recommend not waiting away towards the end when everything starts getting picked over. Not all yard sales are going to appeal to you or even have stuff that appeal to your taste. But try to keep in mind different ways to can wear simple things. You can make simple things look elegant as you want. Don't get discouraged and even have a friend join you. I find yard sales a fun hobby and a cool thing to do. Its a great way to spend a Saturday morning with your gal pals!
Hope you enjoy this first #thriftythursday. Leave ideas for next weeks #thriftythursday in the comments below.
XOXO Akendall
Today on the blog i'm introducing my new series called #ThriftyThursdays. This series will be mainly finds that I get from a yard sale, consignment shop, thrift store, ect.

I wanted to share this dress especially that I snagged from a yard sale a couple of weeks ago. Yes, its a simple sun dress but, always remember you can dress anything up or down. I paired it with my favorite nine west snake skin heels. I wanted to create a fifties vibe by adding the wire tied head band and, the vintage sunglasses I got from Marshall's both five dollars each. If you're looking for a more simple look you can wear it by itself or pair it with a cardigan. I completed the look with my gold earrings from paparazzi accessories only $5.00. My outfit all together minus the shoes only cost me $15.00.
Here's are some helpful tips I remember before going to a yard sale.

Hope you enjoy this first #thriftythursday. Leave ideas for next weeks #thriftythursday in the comments below.
XOXO Akendall
Monday, June 19, 2017 • fashion blog, monday, Money saving, shopping
Welcome to my very first "Money Saving Monday" post.
These post will be featured every Monday. I will be sharing tips on how I save money while shopping and ways to bargain. I'm going to test the waters with new things and see how you like things feed back would be much appreciated! But anyways, lets get started! This weeks topic is something that has always been a hard thing for me! That's the disease of over shopping! Ever been in Target to buy a pair of shoes and end up with five dress, three pairs of shoes, and five wallets? (Guilty as charged).
Here are several tips that I keep in mind to keep from over-shopping:
Tip # 1: Emotional Shopping Is NOT Your Friend!
Just got your heart broken? Going through a depression and need something the feel void? Stop right there my friend and, put the shopping cart back. I've been there girl and believe it or not shopping isn't going to make you feel better. Just like eating, a lot of people tend to want to buy stuff especially clothes after a break up, when feeling sad or angry. I mean I can't blame you who wouldn't want to buy a couple of killer outfits to make that ex of yours be shouting your the one that I want. But put the red high heels back Sandy because sadly Danny isn't gonna come back just because you're wearing a tight black leather romper. So instead save that money for something else. Wait til the emotional roller coaster is over and you've had time to clear your head. Because I've for sure had my fair shares of post break up shopper regrets.
Tip # 2: Keep an Idea in your Head of What You are Looking for.
First things first, if you're out shopping for shoes keep that goal in mind. Once you get in the store don't let yourself get side tracked by everything else. Let's be honest you're not gonna find shoes in the dress section. Head straight for the section of the item(s) you're looking for. Try to keep yourself from browsing around. Keep in mind that you want to get what you came for and that's it. I always have to keep in mind i'm there to "get in and get out". It will for sure keep you from ending up with a bunch of things you don't need.
Tip #3 Don't have a goal in mind? Keep a budget.
Sometimes we just want to head out to the mall and browse around. That's completely fine. Set a money goal in mind. If you're goal is $40.00 keep that in range and know you don't have to spend that whole amount. Be sure to go to stores or look in sections that you can get the most for your budget. Head to clearance and sales racks. Make sure you will get the most for your dollar. Be sure thing this is truly what you want. A budget has helped me so much from over shopping. I've caught myself so many times buying things I didn't necessarily need and instantly regretted it. You'll never know when you might need that money you've blown on clothes.
Tip #4 Are you really going to get use out of this item?
Determine if you really going to get use out of the item your buying. Want to buy a new dress with a pattern you wouldn't normally wear? That's great be daring! But be sure you're going to wear it more than twice. Don't buy something that is way to out of your comfort zone. Think of the comfort of yourself, what occasion you would wear it for and how much use you're going to get out of it. I've put multiple things back because I simply realized I wasn't going to wear something as often and it simply wasn't worth the money to purchase it.
Tip #5 Dress to Impress not Shop to Impress
I love shopping with my girl friends and they make it so much more fun! But keep in mind they're gonna love you no matter how much you spent on a dress. Don't drop tons of dollars to make them think you're rich or feel like you have to impress them. Trust me when I say they'll be much more impressed that you spent $15 dollars from a dress at Forever 21 than they would the dress that came from a high end boutique that cost hundreds of dollars. Everyone's not a millionaire (i'm sure not).
Friday, June 16, 2017 • JC Penney, Liz Claiborne
Georgia Girls Are Not the Only Peach Lovers...
Hi Guys!!!
Akendall here, bringing you guys my very first blog post! I'm totally new to the whole blogging scene so bare with me. I can't wait to take this new journey with you guys!
I first have to say i'm a lover of the off the shoulder trend so when I saw this at a local boutique a couple of months ago I knew I had to HAVE IT. The peach color is what finally sold me on it. I love peach. My tan beach bums out there will especially love it because the color compliments a tan so well.
BUDGET TIP: Sadly, the boutique I got the romper and hat from is now closed. However, one tip I learned on saving money is when a store is closing CLEARANCE GALORE!! The romper was originally $65.00 at Victoria Beth Boutique. I got it for a whopping $25.00 on clearance I was ecstatic. The hat was marked down to $12.00. If you're like me when I hear the word boutique I think gorgeous clothes but, it's defiantly going to hurt my wallet for sure. A tip I always like to abide by when shopping boutiques is the best time to go is during the end of season all of their merchandise usually goes on sale so you can stock up for next year. Be sure to check out clearance racks. Don't let the new merchandise in the front of the store distract you. All the new and most expensive merchandise is always usually located in the front of the store. (Trust me I know how hard is to ignore the new stuff. I'm guilty of letting it draw me in for sure.)Also any store closing is always going to mark down everything to get rid of over stock. That's how I snagged this peach beauty.
I usually splurge on one purse that I use the majority of
the time through out a season. I'm currently carrying
this fun summer time bright colored Michael Kor's
the time through out a season. I'm currently carrying
this fun summer time bright colored Michael Kor's
bag that I just adore. Its so fun! I normally carry it everyday to work. The cool thing about it happened to go with my outfit. We won't talk about the price being this blog is more directed toward budgeting. But just know it is a splurge on my end but I put it to use for quite a while.
To make this outfit pop I paired it with my Liz Claiborne shoes from JC Penney I got them for $35.00. They really tie in the outfit I think. When I pair shoes I don't necessarily have to have them match my outfit. These just are a little brighter than the floral pattern of my romper and I love how the shoes stand out from the rest of the my outfit.
To make this outfit pop I paired it with my Liz Claiborne shoes from JC Penney I got them for $35.00. They really tie in the outfit I think. When I pair shoes I don't necessarily have to have them match my outfit. These just are a little brighter than the floral pattern of my romper and I love how the shoes stand out from the rest of the my outfit.
Thanks for tuning in to my first blog post! I would love to hear feed back! Try to go easy on me since this is my first time blogging! I hope you guys enjoyed it!!! Here's to kicking off this fabulous weekend.
XOXO- Akendall
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