Welcome to my very first "Money Saving Monday" post.
These post will be featured every Monday. I will be sharing tips on how I save money while shopping and ways to bargain. I'm going to test the waters with new things and see how you like things feed back would be much appreciated! But anyways, lets get started! This weeks topic is something that has always been a hard thing for me! That's the disease of over shopping! Ever been in Target to buy a pair of shoes and end up with five dress, three pairs of shoes, and five wallets? (Guilty as charged).
Here are several tips that I keep in mind to keep from over-shopping:
Tip # 1: Emotional Shopping Is NOT Your Friend!
Just got your heart broken? Going through a depression and need something the feel void? Stop right there my friend and, put the shopping cart back. I've been there girl and believe it or not shopping isn't going to make you feel better. Just like eating, a lot of people tend to want to buy stuff especially clothes after a break up, when feeling sad or angry. I mean I can't blame you who wouldn't want to buy a couple of killer outfits to make that ex of yours be shouting your the one that I want. But put the red high heels back Sandy because sadly Danny isn't gonna come back just because you're wearing a tight black leather romper. So instead save that money for something else. Wait til the emotional roller coaster is over and you've had time to clear your head. Because I've for sure had my fair shares of post break up shopper regrets.
Tip # 2: Keep an Idea in your Head of What You are Looking for.
First things first, if you're out shopping for shoes keep that goal in mind. Once you get in the store don't let yourself get side tracked by everything else. Let's be honest you're not gonna find shoes in the dress section. Head straight for the section of the item(s) you're looking for. Try to keep yourself from browsing around. Keep in mind that you want to get what you came for and that's it. I always have to keep in mind i'm there to "get in and get out". It will for sure keep you from ending up with a bunch of things you don't need.
Tip #3 Don't have a goal in mind? Keep a budget.
Sometimes we just want to head out to the mall and browse around. That's completely fine. Set a money goal in mind. If you're goal is $40.00 keep that in range and know you don't have to spend that whole amount. Be sure to go to stores or look in sections that you can get the most for your budget. Head to clearance and sales racks. Make sure you will get the most for your dollar. Be sure thing this is truly what you want. A budget has helped me so much from over shopping. I've caught myself so many times buying things I didn't necessarily need and instantly regretted it. You'll never know when you might need that money you've blown on clothes.
Tip #4 Are you really going to get use out of this item?
Determine if you really going to get use out of the item your buying. Want to buy a new dress with a pattern you wouldn't normally wear? That's great be daring! But be sure you're going to wear it more than twice. Don't buy something that is way to out of your comfort zone. Think of the comfort of yourself, what occasion you would wear it for and how much use you're going to get out of it. I've put multiple things back because I simply realized I wasn't going to wear something as often and it simply wasn't worth the money to purchase it.
Tip #5 Dress to Impress not Shop to Impress
I love shopping with my girl friends and they make it so much more fun! But keep in mind they're gonna love you no matter how much you spent on a dress. Don't drop tons of dollars to make them think you're rich or feel like you have to impress them. Trust me when I say they'll be much more impressed that you spent $15 dollars from a dress at Forever 21 than they would the dress that came from a high end boutique that cost hundreds of dollars. Everyone's not a millionaire (i'm sure not).
I always take my husband with me as he holds me accountable and before leaving home we make a list of what we are looking for and what we want to spend. As clearance racks are my best friend and I can go broke on them.
ReplyDeleteYes! My boyfriend has helped me so much in my money saving habits! And even on the clearance rack I try not to go too crazy too!
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